Availability in February, March and April for new members and current members.
Oaksedge Farm dog hotel is an exclusive dog hotel for our members.
To become a member, you will need to apply for membership, we only accept dogs that fit our guest requirements
We accept a few new clients a year, your application will go onto our waiting list, and you will be contacted when a space on our guest list becomes available.
This is so we can maintain a reliable high quality service to our members.
To become a member, you will need to apply for membership, we only accept dogs that fit our guest requirements
We accept a few new clients a year, your application will go onto our waiting list, and you will be contacted when a space on our guest list becomes available.
This is so we can maintain a reliable high quality service to our members.
We do not take dogs that are noisy or destructive.
Some dogs may need a trial stay to make sure they are suitable.
Any dog that upsets other dogs or keeps me or our family awake at night will not be accepted for boarding.
All dogs must be 100% safe with people.
We reserve the right to turn away any dog we feel is not suitable for boarding in a luxury environment, we offer a calm relaxed boarding environment.
Some dogs may need a trial stay to make sure they are suitable.
Any dog that upsets other dogs or keeps me or our family awake at night will not be accepted for boarding.
All dogs must be 100% safe with people.
We reserve the right to turn away any dog we feel is not suitable for boarding in a luxury environment, we offer a calm relaxed boarding environment.
Medical Requirements
Dogs cannot be allowed on to the property for boarding or visiting without their up to date vaccination card.
The health and Safety of each dog is our number one priority. Therefore, in the best interest of all, each guest must be fully up to date with the yearly general vaccinations for Canine Distemper, Canine Parvovirus and two forms of Leptospirosis which is given to your pet by your vet with an injectable vaccine every year. Dogs must be fully vaccinated at least month before they come to stay. Please check your dog is up to date with their yearly booster as if they are not they may have to have a two course vaccination before they can board and this can take several weeks.
Kennel cough Kennel cough vaccine must be given not less than 14 days before boarding
We cannot accept dogs that have had the kennel cough vaccine in the two weeks as they are not protected and are a risk to other dogs as they are carrying a live virus also they can get the cough from the vaccine and still catch the cough even when vaccinated, it is best to vaccinate at least a month before they come to board.
All dogs must be up to date with their Flea and worming treatments it is a good idea to treat your dog a week before they come to board.
Strangely enough, most of the fleas that you may find on a dog are actually cat fleas!
Most dogs will suffer from a flea infestation at some point in their lives. It used to be that they were most at risk during the warmer months; however, with modern day central heating we now provide a lovely warm environment for fleas all year round. For this reason, treatment against fleas should be provided throughout the year.
A dog will almost certainly suffer from a flea infestation at some point during his life. If we find fleas on your dog we will treat them.
All guests must be in not be have or had a contagious or communicable illness with in a 30 day period prior to check in.
Dogs with long term, terminal illness or in old age,
We are happy to take dogs with special needs however if your dog is very ill or old, it may be best to consider staying at home as any time away from you maybe to stressful for your dog when they are ill and stress can make illness worse. As with humans its best to be at home when you feel under the weather. It is best to stay with your dog and make the best of your last days, weeks, months, years together as you will have plenty of time in the future to go away but you may not have much time left with your best friend if they are old or ill. We do not board dogs in the later stages of terminal illness or dogs over 14 years of age. Make the best of the time you have left together with them, there will be plenty of time in the future to go on holiday.
We cannot take any dog that posses a risk to other dogs or staff.
We keep a constant check on dogs well being noting any change in the dogs health or wellbeing and keeping a check on their weight. If any dog in our care appears ill we will take it to the vet, we have our own vet but where possible we try to use the dogs own vets.
We cannot take aggressive or noisy dogs as this causes unrest for the others.
Dogs cannot be allowed on to the property for boarding or visiting without their up to date vaccination card.
The health and Safety of each dog is our number one priority. Therefore, in the best interest of all, each guest must be fully up to date with the yearly general vaccinations for Canine Distemper, Canine Parvovirus and two forms of Leptospirosis which is given to your pet by your vet with an injectable vaccine every year. Dogs must be fully vaccinated at least month before they come to stay. Please check your dog is up to date with their yearly booster as if they are not they may have to have a two course vaccination before they can board and this can take several weeks.
Kennel cough Kennel cough vaccine must be given not less than 14 days before boarding
We cannot accept dogs that have had the kennel cough vaccine in the two weeks as they are not protected and are a risk to other dogs as they are carrying a live virus also they can get the cough from the vaccine and still catch the cough even when vaccinated, it is best to vaccinate at least a month before they come to board.
- Kennel cough is a virus that can be transferred any where that dogs mix i.e walks,,the park, the vets, dog training, it is not limited to kennels.
- Kennel cough is spread from minute droplets in the air which are inhaled, or from direct contact. As well as being infectious during the incubation period of around 10 days so your dog will not show signs of infection for ten days after being infected, the disease can still be spread for anything up to 10 weeks after coughing has ceased. So if your dog has had the cough they can still infect other dogs for ten weeks after the cough has gone.
- There is recent evidence to suggest that it can be passed from dog to cat and vice versa.
- The symptoms are sneezing (in the early stages), a cough and nasal discharges. In severe cases there may be a loss of appetite.
- Kennel cough could be compared to human ‘flu' in that whilst it is very unpleasant, it is rarely fatal. Recovery from symptoms is usually complete in two to three weeks. However, severe cases in puppies, older dogs and giant breeds may lead to pneumonia if the condition is not treated, and could lead to death.
- The Cough can also be caused by the vaccine
All dogs must be up to date with their Flea and worming treatments it is a good idea to treat your dog a week before they come to board.
Strangely enough, most of the fleas that you may find on a dog are actually cat fleas!
Most dogs will suffer from a flea infestation at some point in their lives. It used to be that they were most at risk during the warmer months; however, with modern day central heating we now provide a lovely warm environment for fleas all year round. For this reason, treatment against fleas should be provided throughout the year.
A dog will almost certainly suffer from a flea infestation at some point during his life. If we find fleas on your dog we will treat them.
- The number of fleas would normally decrease during the cold winter months. However, as most houses are now centrally heated, the fleas are provided with an ideal environment in which to survive and breed all year.
- The length of the flea life-cycle depends on temperature and humidity. In an ideal environment the cycle can be around 21 days.
- By far the most common flea in both dogs and cats is the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis).
- Some dogs will develop a hypersensitivity to flea saliva and this can lead to an itchy reaction. One or two fleas would be quite enough to cause a marked irritation. Most flea reactions in dogs are seen on the lower back area, above the tail.
- Fleas spend the majority of their life-cycle in the home environment. Only adult fleas are seen on the dog. The female flea lays the eggs on the dog's coat, these fall off and can be found wherever your dog spends most of his time - in his bedding, in the carpet, on the sofa, or even on your bed!
- Adult fleas do not live for long on your dog and die after 7-14 days - only to be replaced by the ones developing in the environment.
- The flea lives by ingesting blood from your dog several times a day.
- More often than not an owner will notice small specks of grit on the dog's coat. To establish whether this is flea dirt, brush the coat and allow the material to fall onto a moist white tissue. Flea dirt will produce a red mark.
- Dogs can also pick up fleas from outside the home or from other animals.
- Fleas are also the intermediate host of the tapeworm. Therefore it is important to remember when treating your dog for fleas, to treat him for tapeworms too.
- Effective flea treatment and control involves treating both the environment and the dog (for all the reasons stated above).
- Flea preparations come in all forms - aerosols, powders, pump action sprays, insecticidal collars, spot-ons, oral tablets or shampoos.
- Treatment of the environment involves using a recommended aerosol spray and regular vacuuming - don't forget under the skirting boards, under the sofa cushions and the dog's bedding.
- Ticks are usually picked up by your dog in long grass or in woodland. They often attach to the dog’s head and look like warts. They grow in size as they feed on your dog’s blood, and although if left alone will eventually fall off when full prompt removal is neccessary as they can pass on disease to your dog as they feed.
- Certain spot-on preparations that you can use for flea prevention will also kill ticks, so ask your vet for advice on this. There are a large number of flea products available. Ask your local Veterinary Surgeon for advice on which products will suit you and your dog's needs
All guests must be in not be have or had a contagious or communicable illness with in a 30 day period prior to check in.
Dogs with long term, terminal illness or in old age,
We are happy to take dogs with special needs however if your dog is very ill or old, it may be best to consider staying at home as any time away from you maybe to stressful for your dog when they are ill and stress can make illness worse. As with humans its best to be at home when you feel under the weather. It is best to stay with your dog and make the best of your last days, weeks, months, years together as you will have plenty of time in the future to go away but you may not have much time left with your best friend if they are old or ill. We do not board dogs in the later stages of terminal illness or dogs over 14 years of age. Make the best of the time you have left together with them, there will be plenty of time in the future to go on holiday.
We cannot take any dog that posses a risk to other dogs or staff.
We keep a constant check on dogs well being noting any change in the dogs health or wellbeing and keeping a check on their weight. If any dog in our care appears ill we will take it to the vet, we have our own vet but where possible we try to use the dogs own vets.
We cannot take aggressive or noisy dogs as this causes unrest for the others.
Temperament requirements
For home boarding all dogs must be 100% sociable with other dogs and people, we cannot accept any dog that could be a risk to other guests and staff.
For the private rooms all dogs must be 100% social with people
Safety is our primary goal therefore our dog hotel is not for every dog.
We reserve the right to turn away any dog that posses a risk to staff, other dogs or furnishings.
We cannot take dogs that suffer from separation anxiety, where they become upset to the point that they are a danger to their own health and ours or our staff.
In home boarding are inviting dogs in to our home to live as one of our own and as part of our family so we must feel comfortable and safe and able to give the care that the dogs need and too keep everybody safe and happy at the same time.
Non destructive, we can only accept dogs that do not chew furniture or bedding e.c.t this is because we are not a kennel our rooms are furnished to a very high standard to make them comfortable for all guests.
Guests must not bark excessively or make excessive noise when left at bed time as this upsets the other dogs , we like to have a happy relaxed holiday environment. Normal barking when someone comes to the door is not a problem.
Belongings We do not accept any responsibility for your dog chewing their bed or toys.
Food we ask that you bring your own food to limit the chances of your dog getting a tummy upset.
For home boarding all dogs must be 100% sociable with other dogs and people, we cannot accept any dog that could be a risk to other guests and staff.
For the private rooms all dogs must be 100% social with people
Safety is our primary goal therefore our dog hotel is not for every dog.
We reserve the right to turn away any dog that posses a risk to staff, other dogs or furnishings.
We cannot take dogs that suffer from separation anxiety, where they become upset to the point that they are a danger to their own health and ours or our staff.
In home boarding are inviting dogs in to our home to live as one of our own and as part of our family so we must feel comfortable and safe and able to give the care that the dogs need and too keep everybody safe and happy at the same time.
Non destructive, we can only accept dogs that do not chew furniture or bedding e.c.t this is because we are not a kennel our rooms are furnished to a very high standard to make them comfortable for all guests.
Guests must not bark excessively or make excessive noise when left at bed time as this upsets the other dogs , we like to have a happy relaxed holiday environment. Normal barking when someone comes to the door is not a problem.
Belongings We do not accept any responsibility for your dog chewing their bed or toys.
Food we ask that you bring your own food to limit the chances of your dog getting a tummy upset.
Opening Hours by appointment only
Monday - Friday open 10-11am and again 5.00-6pm
Weekends and Bank holidays 10.30-11am/ 5-6pm
Closed Christmas day for drop off and collection but dogs can be boarded for this time and dropped off the day before and after.
Viewing If you would like to come and have a look just let us know, we do one viewing appointment day so the dogs who are on holiday here are not disturbed to much although some of them love visitors others find it a bit disruptive.
Please be aware we do not allow visitors to view boarding dogs this is for the safety and privacy of our guests, as Im sure you would not like people looking in your hotel room on your holiday.
When you come to look around we will show you a vacant private room and the home boarding with the dogs away in one of the home boarding rooms so as not to disturb or upset them too much.
If you bring your dog to have a look around to please make sure they have their vaccine card with them.
Please do not visit more than one kennel or boarding business in one day as this can spread disease and illness.